01-va-5 years of dance insert (tom newton) (26:11)
02-va-club fantastique sept 97 (mark hitman smith) (24:30)
03-va-line dancing mastermix (guy garrett) (11:36)
04-va-70s floorfillers (jimmy corkhill) (28:22)
05-va-cover up 97 part 2 (a blue eyed blonde haired euro boy) (20:34)
06-va-a break beat from the norm (little jimmy d) (10:36)
Tag: issue
Mastermix Issue 132 July-1997-WRE
01-va-pop zone 4 (tom newton) (25:51)
02-va-time to get up and party (kenny james) (12:26)
03-va-smooth grooves (guy garrett) (14:13)
04-va-kick up the party (mark hitman smith) (25:25)
05-pulse-the lover that you are (saints heavenly mix) (07:13)
06-va-slow cool classic (scratch and sniff) (23:06)
07-lance gambit trio-say youll be there (cocktail 2000 sampler) (lance gambit) (05:15)
08-amos toolkit-kermit and miss piggy (00:18)
09-amos toolkit-hughie green sing along (00:29)
10-amos toolkit-sing a song of play school (00:14)
11-amos toolkit-a house with a door (00:07)
12-amos toolkit-ready to play (00:07)
13-amos toolkit-windsor davies (00:17)
14-amos toolkit-here is a box a musical box (00:11)
15-amos toolkit-we will rock you (00:14)
16-amos toolkit-stereo listening (00:24)
17-amos toolkit-charly says (01:04)
Mastermix Issue 131 June-1997-WRE
01-va-dance insert 8 (amadeus mozart) (26:01)
02-va-club fantastique 3 (mark hitman smith and almond van helmet) (21:02)
03-va-party night (guy garrett) (15:34)
04-gina g-hitmix (tom newton) (08:37)
06-va-club europa phaze 2 (a blue eyed blonde haired euroboy) (21:24)
07-sample database toolkit-accelerating car (00:12)
08-sample database toolkit-its a rap thing (00:09)
09-sample database toolkit-ive got the power (00:09)
10-sample database toolkit-yeah yeah (00:09)
11-sample database toolkit-aarrgghh (00:13)
12-sample database toolkit-reggae spring (00:09)
13-sample database toolkit-all naffayish (00:09)
14-sample database toolkit-yall ready for this (00:09)
15-sample database toolkit-this is serious bass (00:09)
17-sample database toolkit-gotta have house (00:09)
18-sample database toolkit-move your body (00:09)
19-sample database toolkit-party time is any time (00:11)
20-sample database toolkit-ladies and gentlemen (00:09)
21-sample database toolkit-its party time (00:09)
22-sample database toolkit-turn it up (00:09)
23-sample database toolkit-dont stop (00:09)
Mastermix Issue 130 May-1997-WRE
01-va-summer scorchers (james davies) (25:35)
02-va-summertime soul (tom newton with thanks to dj red skin) (19:37)
03-james brown-funk phenomena (morrelli) (08:12)
04-blonde ambition-crazy for you (fatal attraction mix by saint) (08:53)
05-va-the cutting edge of sharp (amadeus mozart) (17:13)
06-va-do you wanna be in my mix (my mix my mix) (tom newton) (10:44)
07-black box-everybody everybody (remix by ulysses) (12:16)
08-hyper go go-high (passionate remix by bicycle repair man) (09:56)
Mastermix Issue 129 April-1997-WRE
01-livin joy-hitmix (tom newton) (12:46)
02-va-da ladies of soul in da house (kenny jaymes) (23:47)
03-boyzone-ballads (tom newton) (15:02)
04-madonna-like a prayer (97 remix by saint) (06:43)
05-va-mastermix djs live dj set 1 (20:36)
06-gloria gaynor-i will survive (remix by guy garrett) (09:15)
07-the goons-its all gone a bit ying tong (2 in a takeaway) (05:11)
08-va-mix n match (justin cooke) (12:51)
Mastermix Issue 128 March-1997-WRE
01-va-dj friendly 3 (guy garrett) (20:49)
02-va-in a party mood part 1 (james davies) (14:49)
03-va-cover up 97 part 1 (mark hitman smith) (20:41)
04-va-motown emotions part 1 (andy pickles) (12:12)
05-va-mobile floor fillers (jimmy corkhill) (21:27)
06-va-club selection (dave hall) (13:08)
07-va-euro pop (pick and mix) (10:37)
08-va-hooked on crap 2 (the tv years) (ray stock) (06:38)
Mastermix Issue 127 February-1997-WRE
01-jx-megamix (jake williams fan club) (12:58)
02-va-pop zone 3 (tom newton) (16:23)
03-va-rhythm masters in the mix (mark hitman smith) (20:22)
04-va-country dance (guy garrett) (12:03)
05-va-cool grooves (justin cooke) (16:10)
06-cathy dennis-touch me (all night long) (morrellis vocal dub) (07:59)
07-2 in a trapp-do-re-mi(x) (amadeus mozart) (06:25)
08-viola wills-get along without you now (remix by the handbaggers) (08:56)
Mastermix Issue 126 January-1997-WRE
01-va-back once again (for 97) (amadeus mozart) (15:31)
02-va-pop zone level 2 (tom newton) (19:22)
03-va-magic wand mix (mark hitman smith) (15:51)
04-va-disco inferno (guy garrett) (14:51)
05-va-justin the mix 2 (justin cooke) (20:26)
06-kim wilde-mini mastermix (charles lindup) (08:36)
07-blonde ambition-dont cry for me argentina (saint) (09:58)
Mastermix Issue 123 October-1996-WRE
01-va-in the mixology 96 (charlie brook and simon walsh) (21:22)
02-family stand-ghetto heaven (remix by morrelli) (09:06)
03-va-club fantastique 2 (mark hitman smith) (13:40)
04-va-2 the groove (andy pickles) (13:14)
05-va-rap race (amadeus mozart) (07:53)
06-va-clubland revisited (dave hall) (12:27)
07-va-dream within a dream (roald dahl) (09:58)
08-va-klubhopping 3 (guy garrett) (20:36)
Mastermix Issue 122 September-1996-WRE
01-va-boys night out (on tour) (andy pickles) (17:52)
02-va-the manifesto mastermix (guy garrett) (20:55)
03-va-wedding list part 3 (tom newton) (17:33)
04-lighthouse family-triple tracker (the pinball wizard) (09:45)
05-va-rap the discoteque (terry hackett) (10:39)
06-dune-happy hardcore euro mix (bob snoeijer and marc basten) (11:25)
07-va-whoops what a party (the incredible pseudonym twins) (21:10)