01-tone loc-funky cold medina (andy pickles) (07:08)
02-va-good times are back again (martin megabass smith) (08:49)
03-va-club culture 7 (tom newton) (19:56)
04-the outhere brothers-la la la hey hey (tribal infusion mix by martin magebass smith) (08:26)
05-kenny thomas-minimix (keith bishop) (09:09)
06-va-good groovin 4 (andy pickles) (15:29)
07-va-smoked out (megafxxxed by a cool kat) (05:08)
08-dj toolkit part 64-more music 100 percent dance (00:14)
09-dj toolkit part 64-one record double play (00:17)
10-dj toolkit part 64-the best sound balance is usually to be heard (00:15)
11-dj toolkit part 64-the most essential dance tunes in the mix (00:12)
12-dj toolkit part 64-fasten your seat belts (00:24)
13-dj toolkit part 64-this djs reckless (00:13)
14-dj toolkit part 64-youre going to enjoy yourselves ok (00:18)
Tag: issue
Mastermix Issue 109 August-1995-WRE
01-va-bless this house 3 (amadeus mozart) (18:47)
02-va-summer sunsplash (the pool) (12:38)
03-jx-son of a gun (red monday remix by roald dahl) (10:26)
04-va-clubland (guy garrett) (21:22)
05-va-anthem heaven (mark the saint smith) (13:50)
06-va-200 and rising (the mobile man) (10:37)
07-va-night train (kevin cole) (07:26)
Mastermix Issue 108 July-1995-WRE
01-va-dance insert 5 (handbag heaven) (megabass) (20:06)
02-evelyn thomas-high energy (fairy tale remix by absurd) (09:19)
03-haddaway-the ultimate haddaway mastermix (bob snoeijer and marc basten) (12:29)
04-va-girls night out 2 (guy garrett) (20:52)
05-va-swing thing (andy pickles) (11:51)
06-guru josh-infinity 95 (pizzahut remix by mark hitman smith) (09:53)
07-va-mix almighty (the choir boyz) (17:54)
Mastermix Issue 107 June-1995-WRE
01-va-motown mastermix (the mobile man) (09:06)
02-va-nrg faze 5 (mark hitman smith) (13:10)
03-sylvia-y viva espagna (remix by guy garrett) (05:23)
04-va-girls night out (guy garrett) (13:00)
05-tag team-whoomp there it is (morelli n.y. mix) (07:22)
06-va-slow insert (the ministers of swing) (11:21)
07-va-euro solution 5 (amadeus mozart) (08:48)
08-va-club culture 6 (pete long) (11:17)
09-tinman-gudvibe (the red hand gang) (08:08)
10-va-bump and grind (dave hall) (15:15)
11-dj toolkit part 63-its another music factory masterpiece (00:10)
12-dj toolkit part 63-if youve just joined us where the hell have you been (00:07)
13-dj toolkit part 63-ask your dj for a request.. and then be totally ignored (00:19)
14-dj toolkit part 63-rocking you from side to side.. and back in time (00:06)
15-dj toolkit part 63-and now were getting serious (00:33)
16-dj toolkit part 63-ok its summer.. take all your clothes off (00:18)
17-dj toolkit part 63-hey your djs going to strip totally naked (00:13)
18-dj toolkit part 63-for those girlies with their own individual dress sense (00:20)
19-dj toolkit part 63-summers here a perfect excuse to get your kit off (00:17)
20-dj toolkit part 63-now were getting ready.. careful parker (00:36)
Mastermix Issue 106 May-1995-WRE
01-va-classic disco (rob lawes) (19:48)
02-va-pop back in time (megabass) (11:47)
03-thin school teacher-we need a holiday (04:36)
04-va-hooj mix 1 (guy garrett) (08:34)
05-va-members club 2 (ben powell) (11:43)
06-va-in my house live (mark hitman smith) (16:31)
07-va-power dance 95 vol 1 (bob snoeijer and marc basten) (20:48)
08-dj toolkit part 62-party whistle (00:06)
09-dj toolkit part 62-wolf whistle (00:03)
10-dj toolkit part 62-car horn (00:03)
11-dj toolkit part 62-racing car (00:05)
12-dj toolkit part 62-read my lips (00:04)
13-dj toolkit part 62-ladies and gentlemen can i have your attention please (00:05)
14-dj toolkit part 62-people are still having sex (00:04)
15-dj toolkit part 62-ole ole ole ole (00:07)
16-dj toolkit part 62-i am the creator (00:03)
17-dj toolkit part 62-party people in the house (00:03)
18-dj toolkit part 62-no thats good (00:04)
19-dj toolkit part 62-let the beat control your body (00:03)
20-dj toolkit part 62-ok lets do it (00:03)
21-dj toolkit part 62-put the needle on the record (00:03)
22-dj toolkit part 62-you got a beat for me (00:03)
23-dj toolkit part 62-keep this frequency clear (00:03)
24-dj toolkit part 62-kiss my ass (00:02)
Mastermix Issue 105 April-1995-WRE
01-va-dance insert 4 (the party zone) (guy garrett) (16:37)
02-va-go on move it (megabass) (11:06)
03-the korgis-i need your lovin (remix by the red hand gang) (07:19)
04-va-naughty but nice (guy garrett) (07:14)
05-visionmasters ft. kylie minogue-keep on pumping it up (95 remix by mark hitman smith) (08:01)
06-va-hip to the swing (andy pickles) (18:33)
07-va-cover me bad (comadash) (10:41)
08-va-everybody shout (the incredible pseudonym twins) (10:32)
Mastermix Issue 104 March-1995-WRE
01-va-4 fast ones and a ballad (am 4 tlb) (18:12)
02-strike-u sure do (full on mix) (martin smith) (07:23)
03-va-the members club (pete long) (10:23)
04-nightcrawlers-push the feeling on (the morrelli montage) (06:28)
05-va-anthem heaven (miss ferguson) (13:13)
06-2 brothers on the 4th floor-meet the first floor (bob snoeijer and marc basten) (10:57)
07-va-c and c tribute (comadash) (10:28)
08-va-monster jam 1990 (steve moore) (17:19)
Mastermix Issue 103 February-1995-WRE
01-ini kamose-here comes the hotstepper (mix by morelli) (05:47)
02-va-good groovin 3 (andy pickles) (14:29)
03-n-trance – set you free (remix by guy garrett) (08:12)
04-va-club culture 5 (rob lawes) (13:38)
05-u96-mastermix (bob snoeijer and marc basten) (10:14)
06-va-rock on (dave hall) (05:23)
07-va-party crazee the second climax (hitman and him) (15:36)
08-d7-just whistle just blow (hi ho) (andy pickles and amadeus mozart) (07:42)
09-dj toolkit part 81-get your dancing shoes on (00:04)
10-dj toolkit part 81-rock n roll dance party (00:03)
11-dj toolkit part 81-welcome to the (00:02)
12-dj toolkit part 81-hello everybody (00:02)
13-dj toolkit part 81-and now (00:02)
14-dj toolkit part 81-right now wed like to tell you a little musical story (00:04)
15-dj toolkit part 81-and right now wed like to introduce (00:03)
16-dj toolkit part 81-now were gonna do some real rockin (00:03)
17-dj toolkit part 81-here they are in person (00:04)
18-dj toolkit part 81-on our rock n roll dance party tonight (00:04)
19-dj toolkit part 81-well alright everybody (00:05)
20-dj toolkit part 81-woo (00:03)
21-dj toolkit part 81-wail (00:06)
22-dj toolkit part 81-scream (00:04)
23-dj toolkit part 81-rock n roll (little richard) (00:04)
24-dj toolkit part 81-eddie woo (00:03)
25-dj toolkit part 81-big bopper (00:04)
26-dj toolkit part 81-georges willie (00:06)
27-dj toolkit part 81-hysteria (00:17)
28-dj toolkit part 81-applause (00:15)
29-dj toolkit part 81-laughter (00:04)
30-dj toolkit part 81-mum claps (00:20)
Mastermix Issue 102 January-1995-WRE
01-va-europower 95 vol 1 (bob snoeijer and marc basten) (18:15)
02-va-this jam is hyper (guy garrett) (09:15)
03-va-nrg faze 4 (martin smith) (13:06)
04-take that-slow and sexy (mark hitman smith) (15:05)
05-dj toolkit part 80-new york city drop this tune (00:07)
06-dj toolkit part 80-its party time (00:04)
07-dj toolkit part 80-lets rock this joint (00:04)
08-dj toolkit part 80-smokin (00:04)
09-dj toolkit part 80-the right shoes (00:08)
10-dj toolkit part 80-was an old lady (00:08)
11-dj toolkit part 80-dj please play my record (00:07)
12-dj toolkit part 80-dont delay tell the dj (00:05)
13-dj toolkit part 80-dddddont dont delay (00:05)
14-dj toolkit part 80-what about february percy (00:18)
15-dj toolkit part 80-constipated or climax (00:31)
16-va-deconstruction reconstruction (comadash) (12:02)
17-vinyl junkies-back to jack (morelli) (07:46)
18-dawn penn-you dont love me (the baloo brothers) (07:29)
Mastermix Issue 100 November-1994-WRE
01-va-dance insert 94 (martin smith) (20:46)
02-va-party crazee (the hitman and him) (18:22)
03-va-smeg the duck strikes back (paul janes) (02:52)
04-ben e king-stand by me (remix) (amadeus mozart) (05:55)
05-va-jungle is massive (rob lawes and paul janes) (09:18)
06-va-mixed emotions 5 (andy pickles) (20:01)
07-va-slamm jamm 94 (comadash) (17:53)
08-elvis presley-elvis mix (amadeus mozart) (04:56)
09-va-a touch of christmas (guy garrett) (07:54)
10-dj toolkit part 59-from creative audio productions (02:21)
11-dj toolkit part 59-intro (00:12)
12-dj toolkit part 59-happy hangover (00:03)
13-dj toolkit part 59-your dj wants to say (00:10)
14-dj toolkit part 59-remember a dog (00:16)
15-dj toolkit part 59-ladies and gentlemen (00:09)
16-dj toolkit part 59-remember this time of year (00:16)
17-dj toolkit part 59-there are two main things (00:15)
18-dj toolkit part 59-look if youre not going to dance (00:09)
19-dj toolkit part 59-for being such a great crowd (00:17)
20-dj toolkit part 59-warning warning (00:12)
21-dj toolkit part 59-keep dancing or the dj gets it (00:05)
22-dj toolkit part 59-somebody shoot the dj please (00:05)
23-dj toolkit part 59-professional mixes (00:10)