01-va-bless this house 2 (10:57)
02-run dmc-walk this way (boom boom bootley mix by andy pickles) (08:12)
03-va-back to the beat (mark the hitman smith) (21:21)
04-va-ranking full stop 2 tone mastermix (martin smith) (12:00)
05-cappella-mastermix (guy garrett) (10:43)
06-va-club jamm vol 1 (andy pickles) (12:09)
07-eurythmics-love is a stranger (remix by simon power) (05:29)
08-westworld-everything good is bad (remix by amadeus mozart) (05:56)
09-bits n pieces-backwards 3 questions (05:11)
10-bits n pieces-backwards 3 answers (04:43)
11-dj toolkit part 51-deep space countdown (00:58)
12-dj toolkit part 51-back to life (00:20)
13-dj toolkit part 51-boom sha lak lak boom (00:09)
14-dj toolkit part 51-boom shake the room (special no beats sequence) (00:36)
15-dj toolkit part 51-dance while the record spins (00:08)
16-dj toolkit part 51-taking me higher (00:14)
17-dj toolkit part 51-mastermix jingle (00:11)
18-dj toolkit part 51-time to dance until you drop (00:12)
19-dj toolkit part 51-computerised technology (00:07)
Tag: issue
Mastermix Issue 087 October-1993-WRE
01-culture beat-mastermix (marc basten and bob snoeijer) (13:32)
02-haddaway-life (nighty night) (remix by mark the hitman smith) (07:08)
03-va-dance now (the edge of chaos) (12:07)
04-public enemy-bring the noise (boomstick) (remix by ulysses 31) (07:47)
05-the farm-all together now (badlad) (remix by mark the hitman smith) (07:57)
06-prince and the new power generation-gett off (mf) (remix by andy pickles) (08:31)
07-va-hooked on crap (not for a light show) (a thin school teacher) (06:21)
08-bits n pieces-backwards 1 questions (04:49)
09-bits n pieces-backwards 1 answers (04:49)
10-bits n pieces-backwards 2 questions (04:35)
11-bits n pieces-backwards 2 answers (04:34)
12-en vogue-hold on (use your imagination) (remix by troop z) (10:37)
13-dj toolkit part 50-yo dj pump this party (00:06)
14-dj toolkit part 50-wind it up (00:13)
15-dj toolkit part 50-deck stop (effect) (00:04)
16-dj toolkit part 50-pay close attention (00:06)
17-dj toolkit part 50-whirl (effect) (00:09)
18-dj toolkit part 50-shabba (00:05)
19-dj toolkit part 50-have a nice day (00:05)
20-dj toolkit part 50-why did you take.. (00:12)
21-dj toolkit part 50-maximum overdrive (00:14)
22-dj toolkit part 50-let the beat control your body (00:10)
23-dj toolkit part 50-open your mind (00:07)
24-dj toolkit part 50-now its time to break (00:08)
25-dj toolkit part 50-im in it for real (00:09)
26-dj toolkit part 50-are you ready to move (00:06)
27-dj toolkit part 50-music factory mastermix (00:07)
28-dj toolkit part 50-exterminate (00:05)
29-dj toolkit part 50-sweat (00:05)
30-dj toolkit part 50-what would you like to hear again (00:05)
Mastermix Issue 085 August-1993-WRE
01-va-slow down 1993 (marc basten and bob snoeijer) (17:49)
02-va-euro solution (guy garrett) (10:32)
03-lisa b-fascinated (media mix) (martin smith and paul janes) (09:58)
04-va-divas of dance (comadash) (14:05)
05-chaka demus and pliers-tease me (2 fat n funky remix)(comadash) (07:06)
06-va-ladies night (andy pickles) (14:29)
07-va-bits n pieces competition 80s edition (the m team) (04:08)
08-devastation-i feel love (thick wristed rex) (08:26)
09-dj toolkit part 49-im in the house (00:05)
10-dj toolkit part 49-lets begin (00:05)
11-dj toolkit part 49-12 inch long and made of plastic (00:12)
12-dj toolkit part 49-heres the tempo 1 2 3 4 (00:13)
13-dj toolkit part 49-we interrupt this hot mix (00:11)
14-dj toolkit part 49-fart – corrr (00:06)
15-dj toolkit part 49-happy birthday by smeg the duck (00:30)
16-dj toolkit part 49-glass smash (00:06)
17-dj toolkit part 49-music of jamaica (00:14)
18-dj toolkit part 49-thank you very much (tune) (00:14)
Mastermix Issue 083 June-1993-WRE
01-unlimited-maximum overdrive megamix (martin smith) (11:30)
02-stereo mcs-club mastermix (bald cat and shoo) (10:55)
03-va-dancehall for the dancefloor (comadash) (15:11)
04-village people-y.m.c.a (remix) (andy pickles) (09:03)
05-va-summer madness (marc basten and bob snoeijer) (14:25)
06-status quo-caroline (status cymbal) (two little boys) (07:43)
07-va-mixed emotions 3 (andy pickles) (13:21)
08-va-bits n pieces competition (60s edition) (neil travers and paul andrews) (03:40)
09-va-stateside swing (andy pickles) (15:00)
10-dj toolkit part 48-we smash and nice (00:11)
11-dj toolkit part 48-20th century fox fanfare (00:27)
12-dj toolkit part 48-hi hows it going (00:04)
13-dj toolkit part 48-hi there penny weve got a hot one for you (00:06)
14-dj toolkit part 48-wooahh im sorry im sorry (00:08)
15-dj toolkit part 48-evil laugh (00:08)
16-dj toolkit part 48-international rescue lady penelope speaking (00:16)
17-dj toolkit part 48-does elvis talk to you (00:10)
18-dj toolkit part 48-whats it about. its about an hour and a half (00:09)
19-dj toolkit part 48-ready ok how funky is your chicken (00:14)
20-dj toolkit part 48-eeeeeooh grass (00:07)
21-dj toolkit part 48-im fine but youre obviously having a bad hair day (00:07)
22-dj toolkit part 48-all i want to do is (00:09)
23-dj toolkit part 48-you stupid little bitch (00:03)
24-dj toolkit part 48-well done (00:06)
Mastermix Issue 082 May-1993-WRE
01-va-bless this house (two little boys) (11:08)
02-va-positive groove (andy pickles) (12:17)
03-va-flashback 81-82 (martin smith) (16:03)
04-unlimited-tribal dance (lost in space remix)(mark smith) (07:22)
05-the four seasons-mastermix (mark smith) (13:53)
06-bee gees-staying alive (steve moore) (08:05)
07-va-euro mastermix (carl cox) (11:24)
08-mikis theodorakis-zorba the greek (mastermix utility) (robbie collins and kris murrell) (05:18)
09-damian-the timewarp (tv remix) (darren ash) (13:42)
10-dj toolkit part 47-do it babee (00:03)
11-dj toolkit part 47-come on 1 (00:03)
12-dj toolkit part 47-come on 2 (00:02)
13-dj toolkit part 47-cold rock stuff (00:03)
14-dj toolkit part 47-come on yeah (00:02)
15-dj toolkit part 47-say what (00:02)
16-dj toolkit part 47-break it down (00:04)
17-dj toolkit part 47-out of control (00:06)
18-dj toolkit part 47-irate housewife (00:07)
19-dj toolkit part 47-ho scratch (00:04)
20-dj toolkit part 47-all you need is knowledge (00:05)
21-dj toolkit part 47-bom ba deng deng (00:05)
22-dj toolkit part 47-come on 3 (00:02)
23-dj toolkit part 47-chill out (00:02)
24-dj toolkit part 47-to the rhythm (00:03)
25-dj toolkit part 47-the beat kicks then i start (00:04)
26-dj toolkit part 47-boom cha cha (00:04)
27-dj toolkit part 47-if music is your occupation (00:08)
28-dj toolkit part 47-this is serious music (00:07)
29-dj toolkit part 47-yo party people all across (00:04)
30-dj toolkit part 47-base 4 love (00:04)
31-dj toolkit part 47-bad house music (00:03)
32-dj toolkit part 47-comedy fart (00:02)
33-dj toolkit part 47-god this is boring (00:03)
Mastermix Issue 080 March-1993-WRE
01-va-dance insert vol.2 12 (the smell of feet)(two little boys) (07:54)
02-va-radio friendly (the segue sisters) (14:33)
03-va-deep deep down (cutty shanks) (10:30)
04-cappella-u got 2 know (martin smith) (09:39)
05-va-classic grooves and samples 2 (marc basten and bob snoeijer) (09:55)
06-la style-mastermix (bob snoeijer and marc basten) (10:03)
07-va-bit n pieces competition 4 (the m team) (03:20)
08-va-disco fever 80 (darren ash) (20:02)
09-va-hit the decks take iii (the unity mixers) (15:29)
10-dj toolkit part 45-ok everybody cameras rolling (00:04)
11-dj toolkit part 45-3 2 1 cue (00:04)
12-dj toolkit part 45-hello good evening and b cut (00:05)
13-dj toolkit part 45-lets roll (00:03)
14-dj toolkit part 45-action (00:03)
15-dj toolkit part 45-hello little boy (00:10)
16-dj toolkit part 45-now lets make it sound (00:05)
17-dj toolkit part 45-lets have one more try (00:03)
18-dj toolkit part 45-nervous sonny (00:06)
19-dj toolkit part 45-3 2 1 action (00:04)
20-dj toolkit part 45-hey kids (00:03)
21-dj toolkit part 45-for gods sake (00:22)
22-dj toolkit part 45-excuse me (00:17)
23-dj toolkit part 45-just remember (00:04)
24-dj toolkit part 45-ready when you are (00:03)
25-dj toolkit part 45-this is a family show (00:04)
26-dj toolkit part 45-its magic to be here (00:07)
Mastermix Issue 079 February-1993-WRE
01-va-dance insert vol.2 (two little boys) (11:21)
02-herbie hancock-rockit 93 (remix) (martin smith and paul janes) (06:46)
03-2 unlimited-no limit (x-static remix) (mark smith) (07:24)
04-sister sledge-megamix (steve moore) (11:22)
05-va-disco fever 79 (darren ash) (22:24)
06-va-the session mix (andy pickles) (20:04)
07-va-bits n pieces competition 3 (the m team) (04:25)
08-va-play it (marc basten and bob snoeijer) (10:26)
09-company b-fascinated (tnt remix) (martin smith) (11:18)
Mastermix Issue 078 January-1993-WRE
01-take that-take that club remix (andy pickles) (11:57)
02-kris kross-minimix (paul kitchener) (08:45)
03-va-classic grooves and samples (marc basten and bob snoeijer) (09:40)
04-va-something big is happening (bob snoeijer and marc basten) (11:02)
05-shakin stevens-megamix (martin megabass smith) (09:45)
06-va-roots of techno (darren ash) (09:51)
07-va-i.d. productions in the mix (comadash) (15:54)
08-bits n pieces-competition no.2 (the m team) (03:44)
09-va-decadance (darren ash) (29:25)
Mastermix Issue 077 December-1992-WRE
01-va-rhythm is a trancer 92 (martin smith) (14:39)
02-va-bits n pieces competition (the m team) (04:21)
03-va-sixties beat (two little boys) (13:39)
04-va-move to the rhythm (bob snoeijer and marc basten) (10:10)
05-va-under the covers (paul kitchener) (10:30)
06-chic-megamix (steve moore) (07:51)
07-glen campbell-rhinestone cowboy (bontempi 92 remix)(two little boys) (06:09)
08-va-whoops what a year 92 (johnny ribon) (15:49)
09-taylor dayne-tell it to my heart (robbie collins and kris murrel) (10:30)
10-bad manners-megamix (andy pickles) (08:15)
11-xmas dj toolkit part 44-mr.dj where are you (00:17)
12-xmas dj toolkit part 44-makes me feel sexy (00:05)
13-xmas dj toolkit part 44-june whitfield in december (00:08)
14-xmas dj toolkit part 44-percy thrower in december (00:07)
15-xmas dj toolkit part 44-round and round the garden (00:10)
16-xmas dj toolkit part 44-burps (00:07)
17-xmas dj toolkit part 44-little rubber things (00:07)
18-xmas dj toolkit part 44-not everything happens like in a book ann (00:07)
19-xmas dj toolkit part 44-windingle dangle doodle do doodie dang (00:17)
20-xmas dj toolkit part 44-rolf and the two little boys merry christmas (00:07)
21-xmas dj toolkit part 44-smeg the duck jingle bells (00:43)
Mastermix Issue 076 November-1992-WRE
01-abbacadabra-megamix (andy pickles darren ash and mark smith) (06:54)
02-showaddywaddy-megamix (two little boys) (08:39)
03-bizarre inc.-minimix (paul kitchener) (09:11)
04-belinda-the club megamix (darren ash) (11:37)
05-londonbeat-the londonbeat megamix (dave roarty) (15:09)
06-va-suburban techno (martin smith) (21:20)
07-va-autumn attack (andreas pine) (19:26)
08-xmas toolkit part 43-you are about to witness (00:06)
09-xmas toolkit part 43-merry xmas from (00:04)
10-xmas toolkit part 43-that was a good one (00:03)
11-xmas toolkit part 43-and thats what i want for xmas (00:03)
12-xmas toolkit part 43-youve been a real good boy this year (00:03)
13-xmas toolkit part 43-to old times my friend (00:02)
14-xmas toolkit part 43-on the 1st day of xmas (00:06)
15-xmas toolkit part 43-xmas coming round again (00:06)
16-xmas toolkit part 43-you are going to be visited (00:05)
17-xmas toolkit part 43-what do you fancy (00:02)
18-xmas toolkit part 43-its xmas eve (00:02)
19-xmas toolkit part 43-according to the radio (00:08)
20-xmas toolkit part 43-you know its not too late (00:03)
21-xmas toolkit part 43-at xmas time (00:08)
22-xmas toolkit part 43-the next one (00:20)
23-xmas toolkit part 43-everyone in this family (00:04)
24-xmas toolkit part 43-i just wanna lay next to you (00:04)
25-xmas toolkit part 43-i wouldnt let you (00:04)